Bharti Axa General Insurance Review


Bharti Axa’s general insurance services have been provided since August 2008. These services, financed by Bharti Enterprises and AXA, are categorized in the areas of bike, travel, and health. The difference in this company from the others can be listed as follows:

  1. The company has more than 19 lacs of claims, all of which are settled.
  2. More than 2 CR issue policy is provided by the company.
  3. Cashless garages services set this company apart from others. Moreover, the current number of this service has exceeded 5200.
  4. In addition to all these, the company stands out especially with its customer service and assistance alternatives. Offering a 24/7 support guarantee worldwide, the company has an extremely comprehensive portfolio of insurance policies.

Which Additional Services Can I Benefit From Though Bharti Axa?

The most important feature that distinguishes Bharti Axa General Insurance from others is the variety of policies. In addition to the core financial products, the following are also available:

  1. Bharti AXA Home Insurance
  2. Bharti AXA SME Package Insurance
  3. Bharti AXA Commercial Lines Insurance
  4. Bharti AXA Commercial Vehicles Insurance
  5. Bharti AXA Motor Third Party Insurance – Commercial
  6. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)

Moreover, do you know that you can create a claim or track one online?

Bharti Axa General Insurance


Financial Strength




Customer Support



  • The company has a good financial strength.
  • Bharti Axa General Insurance is providing good plans for home, SME, Commercial, Commercial Vehicles insurances.
  • Customer care is excellent.
  • Prices of plans are affordable.


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