Birla Sun Life Insurance Review

Birla Sun Life Insurance

Aditya Birla Capital is an Indian company active in Protecting, Financing, Investing, and Advising. The company also has a number of insurance plans that are available for fast sale online, similar to its competitors. Many people looking to take advantage of the life insurance plan choose this company in India. Within the scope of the service, protection, wealth with protection, children’s future, health, retirement, savings with protection packages are provided as insurance.

The core principles that distinguish the company from others can be listed as follows:

  1. Claim settlement ratios are extremely high. This is a reason enough for you to make an application to get an approval immediately. This rate is 97.54 percent!
  2. The company’s insurance products are produced entirely on a need-oriented basis. Flexible policies are shaped within the framework of your current situation and your purpose of having insurance. So, you will have shaped agreements instead of ready-made policies.

Which Plans Are Available Online in Birla Sun Life Insurance? 

Here are the most popular plans that you can buy online by going to the official website of the Aditya Birla Capital:

  1. ABSLI Life Shield Plan
  2. ABSLI Wealth Assure Plus
  3. ABSLI Vision Star Plan
  4. ABSLI Cancer Shield Plan
  5. ABSLI Secure Plus Plan
  6. ABSLI Immediate Annuity Plan
  7. ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan

Birla Sun Life Insurance


Financial Strength




Customer Support



  • Life Shield, Wealth Assure, Vision Star, Cancer Shield, Secure Plus, Immediate Annuity, Guaranteed Milestone plans are available.
  • You can purchase many insurance products online without visiting agencies.
  • Average customer care.
  • Good financial strength.


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